Lot 1539
RICHARD NEWTON (1777-1798)
to comprise four watercolours of `Amusement in Winter Quarters` [see illus.], `Farming at Windsor`, four sketches of `Xmas Boxes` and `Seeing is Believing [see illus]`; and fifteen etchings, incl. `Soliciting a Vote`, `An Apparition`, `The First Interview..`, `A Race on the Sands at Waymouth`, `Over Weight..`, `Contrasted Lovers`, `On a Journey to a Courtship in Wales`, `An Undertaker's Visit`, `Which Way shall I Turn Me`, `Babes in the Wood` `Progress of a Scotsman` [see illus] and others, various sizes (19 items)
* Newton died young, well before his style had time to mature and so he is usually seen merely as a Gillray imitator. However, his work had the sort of ribald humour that complemented the mood of the other caricaturists of the late 18th Century and this lot offers an unusually good survey of his necessarily small output. His works are sometimes misattributed to G. M. Woodward, occasionally with specious signatures (see `Seeing is Believing`)