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Insurance & Probate Valuation

Lawrences offer insurance and probate valuations for executors and professional advisors. 

Our services include:

  • Transparent fees quoted in advance of the valuation.
  • Written valuation reports with illustrations (if required).
  • Valuations compliant with s160 of the Inheritance Tax Act 1984

Contact our Valuations Direct Chris Flower at or call us on 01460 73041.

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    Talk to a Specialist

    Richard Kay
    Richard Kay MA
    Director & Picture Specialist
    Email Richard >
    Matthew Denney
    Matthew Denney PHD, MRICS
    Coins, Medals & Militaria Specialist
    Email Matthew >
    Simon Jones
    Simon Jones ASFAV
    Senior Valuer & Specialist
    Email Simon >
    Anthony Kilroy
    Anthony Kilroy FRICS, FRSA
    Objects of Vertu Specialist
    Email Anthony >
    5 stars

    “Sale on Tuesday, pay on Wednesday and parcel arrives on Thursday. Can't ask for more. I was expecting to wait quite a lot longer, as I know you have lots of requests for pack and send. Very grateful and also very impressed.”

    Catharine R

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