Phone 01373 822337


Phone 01460 73041


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Our Taunton Valuation days are held at The Castle Hotel, Castle Green, Taunton, Somerset TA1 1NF from 9am - 11.30am, on the first and third Friday of each month (excluding bank holidays) with Jewellery Specialist, Bimmy Amor and a General Valuer.

We are also able to offer free home visits upon request outside of these times.


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    Talk to a Specialist

    Simon Jones
    Simon Jones ASFAV
    Senior Valuer & Specialist
    Email Simon >
    Bimmy Amor
    Bimmy Amor
    Jewellery Consultant
    5 stars

    “Looking forward to this, I may add that my son and I were very impressed by the staff that looked after us when we visited, they are all a credit to your company.”

    Peter L

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